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Post Production

We've had a few weeks to rest and recover, and now begins the post-production phase on The Dinner Party. We are so incredibly thankful to the supporters of our Indiegogo campaign who helped us bring this script to life. It's through their backing that we were able to do justice to the script artistically and we are so excited to share the final product. We are planning on completing by January 2020, so stay tuned!

All those who claimed perks on the campaign - they are being worked on as we speak - and will be with you in October!

Another huge Thank you to our incredible cast and crew - who worked tirelessly to bring this project together. We look forward to the first screening to all be reunited!

As well as recovering, we've also had time to reflect and have a few takeaways we would share with anyone looking to make their first film.

1) Surround yourself with good people - making a film is a feat of endurance. Timings will always run over and things will always go wrong..! It's how you build the team around you that determines how these issues will be handled and dealt with. Choose people you know well, those who have a hardy temperament and those who can react calmly and logically under pressure. Anyone good with sleep deprivation is a plus!

2) More food is better than not enough - shooting until to 4am sometimes happens with a night shoot, and it requires a hell of a lot of stamina and energy. So always make sure you have quick and relatively light snacks available for people to get a boost. Anything too heavy is a no-go, or your boom will be falling into shot as your sound op falls asleep.

3) Prepare, prepare, prepare - Make lists. Check them twice. Sometimes when you are so deep into a project something vital can get completely missed, so it's also a great idea to speak to someone else who's been through the process, get them to run you through any areas you may have missed. Paperwork is a big one - don't forget to sort your release's and waivers! Chasing actors after the shoot is a real headache....

4) Contigency is key - every project should have a contingency. 15% is a good starting point. There's bound to be something that crops up that requires a trip to B&Q (we had a total of 4 trips) and it's great to know these mini emergencies are covered.

5) Enjoy it - it's stressful, draining and can get repetitive. But it's also one of the most incredible feelings to relish in when a whole team of people with separate skills come together to make a story come alive. Value everyone's individual input, cherish the tea breaks, have communal meals together - and enjoy them! It's so easy to get caught up in the work that you can forget the essential joy of weaving a story and creating something. It's magical!


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