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Previous PLAYGROUND workshops...


PLAYGROUND: Director JAMIE WOODS and  Movement Director AMY WARREN

Director Jamie Woods will be working on a section of a new play in development with Chalkboard Productions - Passing For Normal.

Working with Jamie and a movement director, He will dissect how movement and actor physicality can create meaning for audiences and actor alike.

Stretch your artistic muscles, play and feel good with like-minded individuals and join our hive with informal networking afterwards.



PLAYGROUND: Finding your Funny, 

Sketch Comedy with PÖJJ

Sketch comedians and performers Hughie Stanley and Pete Simpson (of sketch group “PÖJJ”) will be getting you up on your feet creating your own sketches. 

Working from a sense of play, fun and your own creativity, they shall be leading you through games and exercises that allow you to tap into what makes you laugh, what makes something funny and, importantly, how you can harness all that to craft your own comedic material.

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